Cami Cam instagram | facebook | twitter
The Bermuda Princess ???? – Recording Artist and TV Personality- Let me take you through the Bermuda Triangle straight to paradise. Discover THE LITTLE DOT on the map! ????-?
DopeHD YT Playlist
Sorry but the Cami † Cam video cover of Rihanna’s “You Da One” is no longer available but you can check out the audio file here
Trap City Single From The Dope Girl MixTape
♛ Cami † Cam™ |
Director – MoMo | Maximum Image Entertainment | MetKle films
Director – MoMo | Maximum Image Entertainment | MetKle films
Cami Cam Rippin’ It @ The Berkley Institute Bermuda
The Can U Rip it 2 Series – Saturday, December 1, 2012
5 contestants took the stage on Saturday, December 1st at the Berkeley Institute Cafetorium.
The FAB 5:
Special overseas Guest: Atlanta base recording artists TK n’ CASH – TK n CASH @ ‘Can U rip it 2′ Bermuda
Local DJ’s: DJ ALl Star | DJ Prince | Kid Fresh Bermuda DANCE CREW : “SERVE IT UP DANCE OFF”
Can U Rip It Series
The ‘Can U Rip It’ Series Set was created as a vehicle to introduce and impart Bermuda’s young people the fundamental skills necessary to become successful business professionals within the music/entertainment industry.
Bermuda’s Own Hiphop/Pop Recording Artist Cami Cam Presents The Dope Girl Mixtape Hosted By Tha 80 MinAssassin Dj Stylez
Tha 80 MinAssassin Dj Stylez | twitter | facebook
People & Places – Charles Webbe interviews Cami Cam for VSB-TV Channel 11
♛ Cami † Cam™ facebook | twitter | instagram | soundcloud | reverbnation