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Horseshoe Bay Beach #Bermuda 360° @bermudavirtual

Horse Shoe Bay Virtual

Experience the serene charm, gently undulating waves, and rosy pink sand of Horseshoe Bay by viewing this 360 °  virtual tour. Share it with friends and then go lose yourself in having the best beach vacation you can ever imagine at Horseshoe Bay.

Complete 360° Tour @ Horseshoe Bay Beach Bermuda

Bermuda Virtual Tours is a Bermudian based photography company specializing in producing and developing 360 degree panoramic virtual tours. | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

What Makes #Bermuda the Best Destination for Sailors? @TP_Intl

Learn why Bermuda is the best destination for sailors from Travel Planners International.

British charm, and the perfect place to hold sailing events.

Bermudians have deep sailing roots ever since the island’s founding four centuries ago. In fact, it’s where the Bermuda sloop and rig was invented. The latter is still used today on 95 percent of sailing yachts. Bermuda’s coral reefs, various marine life, blue water, wildlife, and …

read more: What Makes Bermuda the Best Destination for Sailors? | Travel Planners International

What Makes #Bermuda the Best Destination for Sailors? @TP_Intl

Learn why Bermuda is the best destination for sailors from Travel Planners International.

British charm, and the perfect place to hold sailing events.

Bermudians have deep sailing roots ever since the island’s founding four centuries ago. In fact, it’s where the Bermuda sloop and rig was invented. The latter is still used today on 95 percent of sailing yachts. Bermuda’s coral reefs, various marine life, blue water, wildlife, and …

read more: What Makes Bermuda the Best Destination for Sailors? | Travel Planners International

Heather Nova – Girl on the Mountain #videopremiere @PopMatters @Nova_Says

Bermudian singer-songwriter Heather Nova is back with her tenth album of folky, alternative pop, The Way It Feels, which shows she hasn’t lost a step. The album releases March 25th and she’s back in North America for a tour in March and throughout April. “Girl on the Mountain” is the new single and we have her band new video for you today.

Nova tells PopMatters that she “made this video with photographer Sacha Blackburne, and we really riffed off each other as we went. The idea was that I was gathering wood to build a fire, echoed by my child self/the sprit child, which i see like the … read more: Heather Nova – “Girl on the Mountain” (video) (premiere) | PopMatters

Heather Nova | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | iTunes | Amazon

Sacha Blackburne- Director/cinematographer/editor | facebook

#Bermuda Triangle: SS Cotopaxi reappears 90 years after going missing @locklipteam

The Cuban Coast Guard announced this morning, that they had intercepted an unmanned ship heading for the island, which is presumed to be the SS Cotopaxi, a tramp steamer which vanished in December 1925 and has since been connected to the legend of the Bermuda Triangle […]

Read full story @ Bermuda Triangle: Ship Reappears 90 Years After Going Missing?

 Cuban expert, Rodolfo Salvador Cruz, believes that the captain’s logbook is authentic

The Bermuda Triangle is a loosely defined region covering the area between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda

Planning Your #Bermuda Vacation: Should You Fly or Cruise? @InteleTravel

Like any other trip, your Bermuda vacation should be enjoyable. Find out if flying or cruising to this beautiful British island is right for you.

When it comes to planning your Bermuda vacation, sometimes the hardest part is not deciding when to go or what to bring, but just how to get there. Although some travelers would prefer to fly directly to their destination, others may prefer to take their time getting there by going on a cruise. In order to determine which route you should travel, it’s best to evaluate the pros and cons for each option.

Read more: Planning Your Bermuda Vacation: Should You Fly or Cruise?


#Bermuda Postbox #666 Funnels £30BN of Google’s Profits @MailOnline

Google’s vice president for communications Peter Barron admitted the firm has used bases in Ireland and Bermuda to avoid paying high rates of corporation tax on its profits.

Google’s parent company Alphabet is expected to announce today that it has amassed £30 billion of profits from non-US sales in Bermuda. Around a tenth of this – £3 billion – will be profits generated in the UK …. It also emerged yesterday that the Government had ordered Tory MEPs to vote against a proposed EU crackdown on Bermuda, which has a 0 per cent corporation tax rate. Google has no office and no staff in Bermuda. Its presence is said to amount to little more than a plain PO Box – numbered 666!

Read full story | watch video

Daily Mail Online | twitter | facebook


@PeterSagos #Bermuda Vacation Story “Kidnapped in Paradise: Sun, Sand and Larceny in Bermuda”

This is the story of Peter Sagos’ Bermuda Vacation. He was arrested and accused of plotting to import $33 million worth of cannabis into the island and was given  “a year-long jail term after admitting to lesser charges.”

His blog recounting the story lays down heavy accusations towards the Bermuda Police Service, the Bermuda Criminal Justice System and mainstream newspapers.

“I went down to open up a bank account and to trade stocks offshore, this was also for future tax gains,” Mr. Sagos says.

Little did he know that once he stepped foot on the tropical paradise, his life would become a living nightmare. He was accused of importing $34 million worth of marijuana, and the Bermuda Police Service was trying to link his case with three other foreign nationals who were arrested on conspiracy charges.

Peter Sagos spent 10 ½ months in a Bermuda jail not knowing whether he would ever again see family and friends.

Read full story @

Royal Gazette Article Foreign nationals sentenced after admitting criminal proceeds offences

#Nonsuch Expeditions Art Installation #Bermuda Airport @NonsuchIsland

The cancellation of most flights over this past weekend due to the blizzard on the east coast gave us the time to do a large AirportArt installation in the Bermuda Immigration arrivals hall. We created a flat black backdrop for the prints which looks amazing!

Source: New Nonsuch Expeditions AirportArt Installation — Nonsuch Island

Hidden Talent @Canjelae Taylor #Bermuda Bliss

Canjelae  facebook twitter | instagram

“I’d like to be remembered as someone who made music and told stories that people could feel to the core. As someone that young girls can look up to. I just want to leave things a little better than I found them.”

The multi-talented actress, singer, and songwriter, Canjelae Taylor plans to “hit the ground running” as she embarks on a new year in the UK. She answered a few questions for us here at Bermuda Bliss where she shared her love for family and music. Let’s hear what this humbled singer and songwriter had to say …

This article is no longer available @ Hidden Talent: Canjelae Taylor – Bermuda Bliss

Bliss Women Bermuda | facebook | instagramtwitter 

Devil’s Isle Republic – Declaration of Independence by #Bermuda Blue


An early draft of the Devil’s Isle Republic national flag


A friend of mine and I have decided to start afresh, so we are taking this opportunity to declare an independent Devil’s Isle Republic. It will start at the airport end of the Causeway and will encompass St George’s and St David’s.

For the moment passage into the DIR will be free and there will be no need to show passports, however we have reserved the right to change that if immigration becomes an issue. (PS, we will have our Customs officers at the Swizzle to provide a sharply improved service.)

We have discussed this declaration of independence at length but the deciding factor was the impossibility of penetrating the bubble that seems to envelop that red house on the hill …

Read complete post  here =>A declaration of Independence, updated | Bermuda Blue