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The Outlaw Ocean Music Project #TheOutlawOcean @ian_urbina

The Outlaw Ocean is a riveting, adrenaline-fueled journey through some of the most dangerous regions of the earth: the high seas, where lawlessness and physical risk prevail. Ian Urbina — Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for The New York Times — gives us a galvanizing account of the several years he spent exploring and investigating the high seas, the industries that make use of it, and the people who make their, often criminal, living on it.

Reporter: Ian Urbina | Editor: Sophia Peer | Producer: Annelise Blackwood | Footage: Fabio Nascimento
Artists from Around the World Meld Journalism into Music

Four Bermudian artists have participated in this global collaboration – The Outlaw Ocean Music Project – focused not only on producing rich beats, but also promoting ocean awareness. The Bermudian artistry featuring Heather Nova, Jude Richardson, Detrivore and Nala Tessloff all produced varying musical interpretations, but shared a common goal of creating content that told important stories.

Tessloff said, “As the singer, I loved combining the whale songs with the crying seagulls. I
wanted to sing with them, so I found a melody that captured this feeling of solitude and the
overwhelming desire for freedom that the sound of the sea inspires.”

Read complete article here


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