Bermuda Day2020 Cancelled #COVID19

15 April, 2020

Today, the Minister of Community Affairs and Sports, the Hon. Lovitta Foggo, JP, MP, provided an update regarding the Bermuda Day Parade and the 2020 Bermuda Half Marathon.


Minister Foggo said today, “Heritage Month and its associated activities have always served as a wonderful opportunity for us to come together as a Country to celebrate our unique history and traditions. And most will agree that the jewel in the crown of Heritage Month is Bermuda Day and the Bermuda Day Parade. This event with its vibrancy, music, pageantry and energy along with the Bermuda Half Marathon are important events that unify us and instill in us joy and pride on our National holiday.

“We recognize that these are quintessential cultural events that our families, our young people, our seniors, our visitors and all our residents look forward to with great anticipation each year.

“Regrettably against the backdrop of the COVID-19 global pandemic – we simply cannot proceed with hosting the Bermuda Day Parade this year. Nor can we proceed with having the Bermuda Half Marathon.

“The safety, health and wellbeing of all of Bermuda’s citizens is this Government’s number one priority. Out of an overwhelming abundance of caution, and following the guidance and recommendations of our health professionals, the Ministry of Labour, Community Affairs and Sports has made the very difficult decision to cancel these events this year.

“I wish to take this opportunity to extend my appreciation to those on our organising committee in the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs and to all those who were planning to participate in the planned Heritage Month events, including the Bermuda Day Parade and the Half Marathon. We know this is a disappointing development, but keeping our residents safe and saving lives must be our Country’s sole aim.”

Minister Foggo notes that as we approach May, there will be programming provided on the Government television station of past Heritage Month events and activities including the Bermuda Day Parade so that residents can observe the occasion. The Department of Community and Cultural Affairs will also be seeking ways to symbolically recognize Heritage Month.


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