#Bermuda Day / May 24, 2012 – Half Marathon

Chris Estwanik wins the Individual Overall Title for the 5th consecutive year while companion Ashley Estwanik leads the women across the line (9th overall) in this year’s Bermuda Day Half Maratnon.

TOP 10

  1. Christopher Estwanik – 1:08:49
  2. Sean Trott – 1:14:48
  3. Jay Donawa – 1:17:04
  4. Stephen Allen – 1:17:15
  5. Christopher Harris – 1:18:17
  6. Juma Mouchette – 1:22:55
  7. Nick Strong – 1:25:12
  8. Davis Mwangi – 1:25:15
  9. Ashley Estwanik – 1:25:33
  10. Gideon Kigotho – 1:26:05

Bermuda Day Half Marathon Recorded Live Stream 



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