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#Bermuda job losses during @AmericasCup @NewshubNZ

The America’s Cup was means to be a boost for Bermuda’s economy but workers at the event’s official hotel have been told there’s not enough work for them because it’s not full.

The country may be a playground for the rich and famous – but everyday Bermudians fear the benefit from hosting the Cup will not be the plan that was sold to them.

Living along the turquoise shores of Bermuda comes at a cost – just renting an average two-bedroom home is $3500 a month. For those that struggle to afford that, the America’s Cup was touted as the economic boost they’d benefit from. But those in state-subsidised housing near the Cup village would have to move elsewhere to make way for hotels – hotels that were never built … read full article & watch video @newshubnz | facebook | twitter

development opportunity albert row cochrane road sandys

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