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Queen’s Baton Relay #Bermuda @Batonrelay2014 – XX Commonwealth Games #Glasgow2014 – @dciBermuda


The Queen’s Baton Relay is a much loved tradition of the Commonwealth Games and symbolises the coming together of all Commonwealth nations and territories in preparation for the four-yearly festival of sport and culture.

The Glasgow 2014 Queen’s Baton Relay is the curtain-raiser to the XX Commonwealth Games. Over a period of 288 days the baton will visit 70 nations and territories, cover 190,000 kilometres and involve a third of the world’s population, making it the world’s most engaging relay.

On 9 October 2013 the Queen’s Baton Relay was launched at Buckingham Palace, at a ceremony where Her Majesty The Queen placed Her message to the Commonwealth into the baton. source: | Queen’s Baton Relay @wikipedia

CITV Bermuda – Bda govt. media

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