Have a Reggae Christmas with Clinark! He has a new collaboration with the House of Riddim Band, Austria.
Reggae singer, songwriter and producer, Clinark (pronounced Klin_ark), released a new song Yes It’s Christmas on 4th December 2013. Clinark says, ” I am always inspired to write songs at Christmas and it was the same this year. I wanted to capture the spirit of Christmas while remaining true to the meaning of the occasion. The Lovers Rock style seemed to suit the mood of the track.” .It is a new collaboration on the River Fall Riddim with producer Sam Gilly with House of Riddim, Austria, who he also worked with on previous song “Babylon City.”
Clinark (real name Clinarke Dill) is known for his previous works in Reggae, notably his album,Tribute to Michael Jackson, A Legend and A warrior.(2010) The 18 track album covers songs with what Dill calls a”‘Reggae Twist” and two acoustic mixes. This album was also nominated for British Reggae Industry Awards (BRIA) in the Best British Album category as well as “Journey To Foreign.” The 20 track album included collaborations with Maxi Priest with the song “As a Man I Weep.” He received a nomination for “Song of the Year” (2009). He also collaborated with Richie Spice, Luciano, Kofi, Brinsley Forde (Aswad) Gramps and Peetah Heritage and Fantan Mojah and more.
Clinark’s recent releases includes No More War”(2013). A sequel to “Babylon City” which was inspired by the UK Summer Riots in 2011, which began in Tottenham, near Clinark’s home in Edmonton, London, England. He also collaborated on Songweavers RAY OF HOPE for the 4th International Charity CD (International Peace Project) lyrics by Shimon Peres, President of Israel.
In 2012 Dill released a new EP, “They Don’t Care About Us – A Tribute to Michael Jackson (Remix). Currently he has “Human Nature” on pre – release. It is a mellow soul version of the Jackson classic. Also he released a newly penned song in August 2013 in commemoration entitled “Happy Birthday MJ.” It was well received in the Soulful House genre.
Yes It’s Christmas is out now on on Clinark’s own record label, Nurture Projects Music . It is on digital download, price 99.pence on ITunes, Amazon & CD Baby etc. Clinark previously released, “Give A Love on Christmas Day” (2012). Both songs are on rotation on Christmassongsradio.com and other stations. A YouTube video for this song will be available on Nurture Projects Channel.
” Yes it’s Christmas” Credits: Lyrics C.Dill & Juliet L. Edwards, Nurture Projects Music (c) 2013.Music: River Fall Riddim (c) 2013.Sam Gilly, Manfred Scheer, Motas Billah Syed, Herb Pirker,Produced by Sam Gilly at House of Riddim, Austria. Saxes-Gerald Huber.Guitars-Herb Pirker.Keyboards-Parvez Syed,Bass-Manfred Scheer.Drums, Keyboards-Sam Gilly. Mixed & Mastered by Johnathan McMillan at Blue Pro, Smokehouse Studios,London.
A You Tube video was released on 19 December 2013. Clinark directed it himself and is filmed on location in Enfield Town, Edmonton Green and Jubilee Park in North London, England.
Promo copies are available on request.
Audio Links:
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/clin/yes-its-c….
Cdbaby: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/clinark8.
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/yes…
Amazon uk : http://www.amazon.co.uk/Yes-Its-Chris….
Peace & joy to everyone!
Clinark | clinark.com | facebook | twitter | instagram