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Bermuda Underwater Cave Environment & Sea Creatures

Bermuda’s authentic caves hold clues to ice age and sea level rise, and also shelter unique cave adapted species found nowhere else on the planet …

This  Bermuda Caves video is part of a documentary series featured in an abridged mini-series on Discovery Channel Canada. It was created and produced by the Bermuda Environmental Alliance (BEA) to raise awareness about Bermuda’s natural environment.

Children on the island are now benefiting from the December 2011 launch of six, 30 minute environmental documentary videos which are being distributed  to schools across the Island as a learning resource.

Bermuda’s Water Catchment, Return of the Ghost Bird (cahows), Bermuda’s Mystical (underwater) Caves, Bio-diesel from the Sargasso Sea Algae, trash reduction and the Cooper’s Island regeneration project are the topics covered in the documentaries.

Bermuda Environmental Alliance



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