Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences – On the Rock 2008

2008: On the Rock (Part 1)

Stuart Hayward introduces the 2008 BIOS Explorer series “On the Rock”. Drs. Andreas Andersson and Samantha de Putron discuss the concepts of ocean acidification, including the importance of carbonate ions and dissolution to coral growth. Meanwhile the BioNauts pump exhaust fumes into seawater to see what happens to its acidity (pH).

2008: On the Rock (Part 2)

With the help of coral researcher Kate Degnan, the BioNauts undertake an experiment to investigate the effects of ocean acidification on the growth rate of live coral. They also conduct a fish bite count while snorkelling on a local reef in order see just how much damage parrot fish do to the coral while feeding. Drs. Andersson and de Putron explain how corals reproduce, are ‘recruited’ onto a reef as juveniles and how this formative stage in the life cycle is crucial for the continued health of Bermuda’s reef ecosystem.

2008: On the Rock (Part 3)

BIOS Education Officer JP Skinner explains how Bermuda’s unique cave system has formed over millions of years and in doing so, chronicled changes in sea level as the caves have slowly flooded. Bermudian cave diver Bruce Williams talks to the BioNauts about the wonders (and dangers) of diving the Walsingham caves and the need to protect them for future generations. The BioNauts survey the local coastline for potential new caves systems and take water samples to monitor the levels of pollution

Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences

A LookBermuda / LookTV production –

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