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Mike Hind #Live @mikehindmusic

“Welcome to another evening with the members of Tuckers Point! Come on in, grab a drink and sing some songs with me!” M.H

If you’d like to tip music

or buy music @

Next live performance scheduled for Friday, April 10 – Stay tuned!


Mike Hind | facebook | twitter | instagram

I like to draw… and babble… and play the ukulele.

Mike HInd – Plan E. Album #2 @Indiegogo @MikeHindBDA

I’ve been writing & I want to keep on doing it. I’ve got songs & ideas & I need help getting the words & music out!

I had a bit of a weird 2015 that could be divided into two parts: on the one hand an absolutely amazing and life-/career-changing year (I met some of the most amazing people) while on the other a soul-crushing, ‘give-it-all-up-why-bother’ depressing one.

What do we do when this all gets thrown at us? We write!

And I have been. I’ve been writing a lot. I’ve got some songs that I’m kinda happy with and a bunch of half-songs that I think I’ll be ecstatic with when I get them done.

So, I need your help to make it happen …

Support Mike’s Campaign @ Indiegogo – Plan E. Album #2

Mike Hind | facebooktwitter | instagram

Chewsticks Griot Session: D.I.A. | Feat: IMARI, LIVE WIRES, K.A.S.E., & R?DDLA | Opening acts Haz / Mike Hind

Chewsticks Griot Session D.I.A. Feat IMARI, LIVE WIRES, K.A.S.E. RiDDLA Opening acts Haz Mike Hind

The Chewstick backing band D.I.A took centre stage at Saturday Night’s Griot Session for a dance party to reggae, hip hop, and everything in-between.

D.I.A. has taken Bermuda by storm as the hottest, freshest backing band playing all-original music from a variety of genres including hip hop, reggae, soul and their newly developed Bermudian genre, gombass. Their imaginative original music has been exceptionally well-received locally and internationally. Comprised of Bermudian drum legend, Scarlet Thomas; guitarist-extraordinaire Kofi; boy wonder, electronic maestro and percussionist Aden Peets; and music director Derek G. Simmons on bass and production.

Bermuda’s best hip hop stars cranked up the energy: Imari, K.A.S.E., & da R?ddla and followed by the reggae vibes of Live Wires.

Feature: IMARI, LIVE WIRES, K.A.S.E., & R?DDLA backed by D.I.A.

Opening acts: HAZ & Mike Hind

Date: Saturday, August 25th, 2012

Location: The Chewstick Neo-Griot Lounge & Cafe’, Corner of Court & Elliot St, Backatawn.
