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#Bermuda Sand Sculpture Competition @HookedonBermuda

Feel like a kid again and compete in a sand sculpture competition with pink sand on Horseshoe Bay

The Bermuda Sand Sculpture Competition takes place on Labor Day weekend at Horseshoe Bay. This is not your ordinary sand castle building on the beach. These are serious sculptures, many are even life size. Most participants create a team of friends, and families also enter together.

This fun, well organized event takes the better part of a day. Beginning at Horseshoe Bay around 10am, …

Read complete post @ Bermuda Sand Sculpture Competition – Hooked on Bermuda


Horseshoe Bay Beach #Bermuda 360° @bermudavirtual

Horse Shoe Bay Virtual

Experience the serene charm, gently undulating waves, and rosy pink sand of Horseshoe Bay by viewing this 360 °  virtual tour. Share it with friends and then go lose yourself in having the best beach vacation you can ever imagine at Horseshoe Bay.

Complete 360° Tour @ Horseshoe Bay Beach Bermuda

Bermuda Virtual Tours is a Bermudian based photography company specializing in producing and developing 360 degree panoramic virtual tours. | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram