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Mohawk Radio – Unplugged @ CreativesLive!

January 21, 2022 the Department of Culture hosts the popular Creatives Live! open air concert series, showcasing Mowhawk Radio Unplugged on the steps of City Hall 

This midday musical event is aimed at showcasing and supporting Bermuda’s talented artists. During our current times, this kind of uplifting entertainment from our local artists is truly welcomed and needed.

– The Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport, Dr. Ernest Peets

Previous Creatives Live! events have provided an upbeat musical atmosphere in the City of Hamilton, and Friday’s performance promises to do the same. Past Creatives Live! performances included The Unit Band, local singers Joy T. Barnum and Olivia Hamilton, the Tino Martinez Quartet, Working Title Band, LiveWires, the Bermuda Carolers and others.

For more information about Creatives Live!, call 292-1681 or email To find out more about Bermuda’s creatives or if artists wish to be featured in the Department’s online catalogue, visit

Music Review: Mohawk Radio Unplugged – Bernews

Behind the Mask – Bermuda Gombeys – Past, Present & Future

This feature length film captures and documents the ongoing history of the Bermuda Gombeys, one of Bermuda’s oldest Folklife traditions. Running 88 minutes in total it was designed to supplement Bermuda’s education system; its narrative chapters split into detailed sections covering every aspect of the Gombey culture, instruments, dance, costumes, training, history and traditions.

Synopsis: Historically, the Gombeys were not viewed as a respectable art form by the island’s ruling class. Slaves were allowed to dance only once a year and did so in masks in order to protest, without fear of retribution, the injustices done them by their slave masters. Incorporating elements of African, Native American, Caribbean and British cultures the Gombeys have evolved into the colorful, uniquely Bermudian art form beloved by locals and tourists alike. From archival texts and insights of our foremost historians to the memories of the oldest living Gombey Masters, from the hearts and minds of today’s Captains to the youngest Gombeys carrying the tradition into the future; Behind the Mask explores the past, the present and the future of this proud and resilient heritage, and is a celebration of all these exceptional Bermudian tradition-bearers.

Directed and Produced by Adrian Kawaley-Lathan.
Trailer edited by Director of Photography Kalilah Robinson.

Adrian Kawaley-Lathan – . linkedIn . instagram . voice reels . twitter . vimeo

Kalilah . imdb . instagram . twitter . .

Department of Culture – facebook . instagram . twittter

Trailer for documentary film “Behind the Mask: Bermuda Gombeys Past, Present and Future” (2008)


Dr. Eva Hodgson – A History of #Bermuda #Racism @bermudaculture

“Dr. Eva Hodgson is an educator, author and anti-racism activist who has been advocating for better race relations in Bermuda for nearly 80 years. As part of the 13th Annual Dr. Kenneth E. Robinson/Cyril Outerbridge Packwood Memorial Lecture, Method Media and the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs presents a short film on Dr. Hodgson.”