Mark Twain #Bermuda Travels 1867-1920

‘Ever The Twain Shall Meet'” – Mark Twain in Bermuda

Between 1867 and 1910 Mark Twain visited Bermuda seven times for a total of 187 days.

Twain penned there is just enough of whispering, breeze, fragrance of flowers, and sense of repose to raise one’s thoughts heavenward; and just enough amateur piano music to keep him reminded of the other place.…

Twain’s writings extoll the peaceful beauty of the island as well as its sometimes dissonant charm, and were published between 1877–78 in The Atlantic Monthly as “Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion.” Guided by these words, Ever the Twain Shall Meet takes visitors on a journey through Twain’s visits to Bermuda, retracing the steps to his favorite haunts and places of inspiration.


Produced by Method Media Bermuda for Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art
Cindy Lovell interview conducted by Helder Mira
Music: “Solace” by Scott Joplin

What to Do If You’re Falling Out of Love With Bermuda?!

Go to Horseshoe Beach. Take your shoes off and run across the sand. Pick it up and watch it cascade across your fingers. Remember how much this entertained you as a kid. Walk over towards the cove. Do you remember how it was before the hurricane? There were two paths that you had to walk over but once you were there it was heaven.

Now walk into the water, swim over to the whirlpool and just sit. Breathe. Look around you. Take in how beautiful life is around you. The same beach that people pay thousands of dollars to see is your backyard. If you’re adventurous climb up on the cliffs and jump off. The thrill you’ve been seeking has been right here all along. Look up towards the sky and see the clouds whirling around gently. At the end of the day you live on one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Everyone says how boring Bermuda can get but try something different this weekend. Leave your car at home and call for a taxi. Don’t worry about the $40. When your driver picks you up sit in the front seat. Ask about his life growing up, where he stayed, what he did, who he hung out with. You will be amazed at the treasure chest of stories that our island’s elders possess. Their lives were truly fascinating and they made it through some incredible times.

When you get to East Broadway skip the clubs on Front Street. You know which ones I’m talking about, the same ones you’ve been going to since seventeen. Pick a restaurant that you’ve never been to and tell your crew to meet you there. Sounds absurd right? But I bet you can go to the phone booth right now and find at least five restaurants that you never heard of before. Order something different. Grab a bottle of wine that you know nothing about. Get drunk if you please.

Remember that novelty is an experience and can be found anywhere. Go to that fort in St. George’s that you always forget the name of, take your girl or your boy or whatever. I know it’s only 21 square miles but there’s still a lot that you haven’t seen. Talk to people. Your parents always tell you how different it was in the past, how everyone was family and people ‘spoke’. Try to recreate the magic. You can’t do it alone but a three minute chat won’t hurt anyone.

Work on that thing you’ve been wanting to work on.
Go to the museum. Go to the library. Find out the real history of Bermuda, the one you weren’t told about in school. Go town and walk around taking pictures of all the street signs. Have you ever wondered where court, king and queen street came from? Who named it that and why? When you’re done ride over to 42nd, pick up a fish sandwich from art mels. Now tell me where else you can get that in this world?!

I’ll wait. But along with countless other experiences Bermuda is unique in it’s very own way. You just have to open your eyes a little bit.

 Author: Jahde * Inspired by Mary Phillips-Sandy post:

featured photo courtesy of John Tabor

Bermuda National Trust – Christmas Walkabout 2012

A favorite holiday tradition in Bermuda is the annual Christmas Walkabout, hosted by the Bermuda National Trust. Christmas lights blanket the charming town of St. George’s and revelers enjoy plenty of entertainment throughout the evening.

Enjoy these highlights from the 2012 walkabout, held December 7th! 

Bermuda National Trust

Video courtesy of The Bermuda Department of Tourism

#Bermuda VIP Sunshine Award | Dec 2013

image003Photo: Left to right Dr. Barbara O’Shaughnessy, Chair of the Visitor Industry Partnership, Minister of Tourism and Transport the Hon. Shawn Crockwell, JP,MP, Sunshine award winner, Mrs. Gladys Madeiros, and David Dodwell, Chair of the Tourism Authority.

The Visitor Industry Partnership’s Sunshine Award Winner

The Visitor Industry Partnership (VIP), in association with our lead sponsor, the Bermuda Tourism Board, is pleased to announce the winner of the second quarter of the VIP Sunshine Award.  This quarterly programme is designed to highlight a Bermuda resident who has gone ‘above and beyond’ to make a Visitor’s stay in Bermuda ‘one to remember’. Visitors are encouraged to nominate a resident using a nomination form that can be found in ‘This Week in Bermuda’ or online at The second quarter winner is Mrs. Gladys Madeiros who was nominated by Ms. Randi Stirn of Maryland.

Ms. Stirn highlighted her experience with Mrs. Madeiros:  “I had the very good fortune of being assigned to seat 20 E on my Bermuda bound plane out of Baltimore. As soon as I took my seat, I was greeted with a smile and a sunny hello from the stranger next to me, who I soon learned to be Mrs. Gladys Madeiros. Over the course of two hour plane ride, this vivacious, energetic ray of sunshine told me all about her native country. A born and bred Bermudian, this woman proudly shared her knowledge of her homeland, openly and honestly. Gladys informed me of where to visit, where to eat, sites not to be missed and places only the locals know about. In mid sentence, she interrupted, “why don’t I take you around myself? I’m free this Thursday and Saturday, just give me a call!” She handed me her home telephone number. Being a native Baltimorian, I was not used to this kind of unprovoked hospitality, warmth and friendship. My plane encounter was a wonderful way to begin my time away.

 So my daughter (whom I was meeting in Bermuda) and I called Gladys up the very next morning, and she arrived at our hotel, the Grotto Bay Beach Hotel, a few hours later with her daughter in-law, ready and eager to show us a beautiful Bermudian day. We began the day with a golf cart ride and tour around Tuckers Point. She offered us freshly baked banana bread and ginger beer and we continued our tour down the southern coast of Bermuda, down the roads “the buses can’t take you.” We paid a visit to the lighthouse and took in the amazing view, ate a delicious traditional fish cake sandwich on raisin bread with bananas and avocados and finished the day with a stunning walk from Long Bay all the way to Horseshoe Bay, stopping at each cove to take a dip in the prestige aqua blue water and bury our feet in the Bermuda’s pink sandy beaches. This woman was truly divine. Without reservation, she opened up her entire day just to show us a good time. Even more striking, she opened her heart and home to us, treating us not like tourists, but like family. I have never experienced hospitality and love like this from a stranger. Gladys made our vacation truly memorable and is the reason that we will surely return to this beautiful country. Gladys is a true ray of sunshine and a blessing to the lives she touches.”

The Chair of Visitor Industry Partnership, Dr. Barbara O’Shaughnessy is proud to congratulate and thank Mrs. Madeiros for making the Stirn family’s Bermuda holiday such a special memory and for spreading some wonderful Bermuda Sunshine!

 Mrs. Madeiros received a VIP Sunshine Award Pin and a congratulatory lunch at the Victoria Grill compliments of the Island Restaurant Group, with Executive Director of the Bermuda Hotel Association, Mr. John Harvey, Mr. JP Martens, General Manager of Grotto Bay and Dr. Barbara O’Shaughnessy, the Chair of the Visitor Industry Partnership.

In addition, Mrs. Madeiros will be treated to a hotel stay at the beautiful Grotto Bay Beach Hotel, complete with dinner and breakfast, compliments of Mr. JP Martens, General Manager who said: “Grotto Bay is pleased to support the Visitor Industry Partnership’s Sunshine Award since it is individuals like this quarter’s winner, Mrs. Madeiros, who make Bermuda a very special place for residents and visitors alike.  One of the most common compliments I receive is that the people of Bermuda are so friendly and that their hospitality is second to none. Mrs. Madeiros proves this.  The success of our tourism industry depends heavily on what Bermuda is famous for, friendly people. I wish to congratulate and thank Mrs. Madeiros for her indirect contribution to the hospitality industry since it is hospitality, as displayed by Mrs. Madeiros,  that will make our visitors come back to our beautiful Island. “

The Hon. Shawn Crockwell J.P., M.P., Minister of Tourism Development and Transport said: “Mrs. Madeiros is a shining example of how we should treat our visitors – with our famous Bermudian friendliness and hospitality. I offer my thanks to her for showing one of our visitors why Bermuda is so much more, and congratulations on being named the Sunshine Award winner.”

Chair of the Tourism Appreciation committee, Joanne McPhee said: “The Sunshine Awards exemplify what it is that makes Bermuda ‘so much more’. With over 50 nominations in this quarter alone it is clear that there are already many ambassadors in our community demonstrating one smile and act of kindness at a time what it is to be Bermudian and truly so much more. The aim of the morepinkbda movement is to ensure that this is once again the norm and not the exception.”   



Contact: Dr. Barbara O’Shaughnessy (441) 337-0922


#Bermuda Christmas Boat Parade 2013

video credits: BermudaMediaTV |

Saturday December 7, 2013
The parade began at 6:30 pm from the Fairmont Hamilton Princess Hotel travelling clockwise around White’s Island
The Christmas Boat Parade is Bermuda’s largest single spectator water event of the year and a wonderful way to entertain family and friends.

Bernews |


@CruiseNorwegian Breakaway #Bermuda Farewell – 2013 Cruise Ship Season Finale

The Breakaway left on Friday (Oct 11, 2013). It was her last farewell for the season.

Norwegian Cruise Line 


Sarah Brightman & Andrea Bocelli – Time to Say Goodbye 1997

Download “Time to Say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro)” @Amazon

Quando sono solo
Sogno all’orizzonte
E mancan le parole
Sì lo so che non c’è luce
In una stanza quando manca il sole
Se non ci sei tu con me, con me
Su le finestre
Mostra a tutti il mio cuore
Che hai acceso
Chiudi dentro me
La luce che
Hai incontrato per strada
Time to say goodbye
Paesi che non ho mai
Veduto e vissuto con te
Adesso si li vivrò
Con te partirò
Su navi per mari
Che, io lo so
No, no, non esistono più
It’s time to say goodbye
Quando sei lontana
Sogno all’orizzonte
E mancan le parole
E io sì, lo so
Che sei con me, con me
Tu mia luna, tu sei qui con me
Mio sole, tu sei qui con me
Con me, con me, con me
Time to say goodbye
Paesi che non ho mai
Veduto e vissuto con te
Adesso sì li vivrò
Con te partirò
Su navi per mari
Che io lo so
No, no, non esistono più
Con te io li rivivrò
Con te partirò
Su navi per mari
Che, io lo so
No, no, non esistono più
Con te io li rivivrò
Con te partirò
Io con te
Songwriters: Francesco Sartori / Frank Peterson / Lucio Quarantotto
Time to Say Goodbye lyrics © Peermusic Publishing




#Buddha #Beach #Bermuda – #Zen Chillout @BlueDotMusic

Fly straight to a destination of dreams, lay down on the beach and soak up the sun. Allow the warm water to lap over your feet and the tensions ebb away as The Wax Club envelops your soul with this ultimate chill-out theme.

“Bermuda” composed,produced and performed by James Llewellyn Trott also know under the name ‘The Wax Club. This track is from the CD ‘Zen Chill Out Vol:1 part of The Buddha Experience CD series.

Download “Bermuda” by The Wax Club @ To listen to other tracks from this series click on the link, Produced for ‘blue dot music’ by : Robert Nichol / AllCast ©2010 blue dot music   

Summer Chillout Sounds ~ ‘Buddha on the Beach’

These inspiring music compositions join moods to dreams and legends to thoughts, like the thin strip of golden sand lining the wondrous expanse of oceans and land that we call the beach.

#Buddha #Beach #Bermuda – #Zen Chillout @BlueDotMusic

Fly straight to a destination of dreams, lay down on the beach and soak up the sun. Allow the warm water to lap over your feet and the tensions ebb away as The Wax Club envelops your soul with this ultimate chill-out theme.

“Bermuda” composed,produced and performed by James Llewellyn Trott also know under the name ‘The Wax Club. This track is from the CD ‘Zen Chill Out Vol:1 part of The Buddha Experience CD series.

Download “Bermuda” by The Wax Club @ To listen to other tracks from this series click on the link, Produced for ‘blue dot music’ by : Robert Nichol / AllCast ©2010 blue dot music   

Summer Chillout Sounds ~ ‘Buddha on the Beach’

These inspiring music compositions join moods to dreams and legends to thoughts, like the thin strip of golden sand lining the wondrous expanse of oceans and land that we call the beach.