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The Outlaw Ocean Music Project #TheOutlawOcean @ian_urbina

The Outlaw Ocean is a riveting, adrenaline-fueled journey through some of the most dangerous regions of the earth: the high seas, where lawlessness and physical risk prevail. Ian Urbina — Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for The New York Times — gives us a galvanizing account of the several years he spent exploring and investigating the high seas, the industries that make use of it, and the people who make their, often criminal, living on it.

Reporter: Ian Urbina | Editor: Sophia Peer | Producer: Annelise Blackwood | Footage: Fabio Nascimento
Artists from Around the World Meld Journalism into Music

Four Bermudian artists have participated in this global collaboration – The Outlaw Ocean Music Project – focused not only on producing rich beats, but also promoting ocean awareness. The Bermudian artistry featuring Heather Nova, Jude Richardson, Detrivore and Nala Tessloff all produced varying musical interpretations, but shared a common goal of creating content that told important stories.

Tessloff said, “As the singer, I loved combining the whale songs with the crying seagulls. I
wanted to sing with them, so I found a melody that captured this feeling of solitude and the
overwhelming desire for freedom that the sound of the sea inspires.”

Read complete article here


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#Bermuda Kids Freedive Record – Beth Neale @BdaZooSociety

South African Freediver Beth Neale aims to break her own continental record and raise $20,000 for the Bermuda Zoological Society in her latest challenge.

I am Beth Neale, 3x South African freedive Champion and African continental record holder. For the last 5 years, I have been a part of the Kids on the Reef (KOTR) programme in beautiful Bermuda, run by the Bermuda Zoological Society, where we teach 250 school children per year freediving and ocean conservation over 2 days – snorkelling and taking them as far out as 8 miles offshore to experience the pristine coral reefs!

The Spring KOTR programme is generously sponsored by our amazing corporate donor, AXA XL. In the Fall, we are sponsored by Hiscox, the Neil Burnie Foundation and the Bermuda Lionfish Taskforce. Through this we are undoubtedly creating the next generation of ocean conservation warriors! We have taught over 1500 children freediving and ocean conservation over 7 years.

Inspired by my work with Kids on the Reef, I will be attempting to break the South African no fins free diving record of 47 meters or 154 ft in Bermuda this summer so that more young Bermudians have the incredible opportunity to experience programs connecting them to their oceans.

Help me to make this record breaking dive possible this Summer! Donate and share!

Beth Neale | facebook | instagram
?3x South African Freedive Champion
?Depth 47M/154ft no fins
⏱Breath hold 6min
?BERMUDA 2019 
?Underwater Content
?@freedivingcouple ?@aqua.souls

Free diver sets local record at 164 feet – RG

Bermuda Zoological Society | facebook | instagram | twitter
BAMZ #YTplaylist


South African Freediver Aims To Break Record, Raise Funds For Kids
Free diver sets local record at 164 feet – RG #Petition “PRESERVE #BERMUDA RECREATIONAL LAND” – [Ex. Riddell’s Bay Golf & Country Club]


Riddell’s Bay Members Committee started this petition to Minister of Home Affairs Hon. Walter Roban, JP, MP and 9 others

This petition is signed by those people opposed to the potential change in ”Recreation” zoning of the former Riddell’s Bay Golf and Country Club and the residential development of the protected golf course property.

Google MapsRiddell’s Bay Golf & Country Club

The petitioners believe this potential zoning change would violate the Development and Planning Act 1974 and set a precedent that would jeopardize all golf courses and other areas that are currently protected under the Bermuda Plan (2008).

Bermuda has limited green space and a portion of the Bermuda Plan (2008) is zoned Recreation which includes sports fields, school playing fields, playgrounds, golf courses and general recreation areas, such as Bernard Park. These areas have historically been protected from zoning changes in order to maintain land for recreational purposes. If an exception is made to allow real estate development in areas that are currently zoned Recreation it could lead to the possible closure and redevelopment of other Bermuda golf courses and protected recreational areas.


On October 25th, 2016 there was a presentation made to the residents of Riddell’s Bay by a group of investors who were in the process of closing on the purchase of the assets of the former Riddell’s Bay Golf and Country Club from the Provisional Liquidator. In the meeting the investor group confirmed that they planned to permanently close the golf course operation and change the zoning on approximately 17 acres of property to allow them to subdivide the property into one acre lots for residential development. They plan to create the “Master Plan” for the area and then sell the lots to real estate developers or individuals.

It is our contention that the Development and Planning Act 1974 (“the Act”) should protect the golf course from residential or commercial real estate development. We believe that any efforts to re-zone the property would set a dangerous precedent for all of Bermuda’s property zoned Recreation and impact the island’s limited green space. This would include golf courses, sports fields and recreational parks.

It is understood that there was a plan presented to the Provisional Liquidator from a group of Riddell’s Bay residents and former members to purchase the assets of the former club and maintain the golf course operation. Unfortunately the successful buyer contends that the golf course operation is not viable and that there is greater potential value in selling the real estate. There is always a temptation for real estate developers to buy restricted land and test the Bermuda Plan especially valuable real estate that is located in premium locations. The Provisional liquidator recently sold less than an acre of residential property for $1.5 million dollars. Based on this value the land is far more valuable to a real estate developer than it is as a golf course operation. The zoning rules are in place to protect restricted property from residential or commercial real estate development. It is unfortunate that investors may want to test the rigid Bermuda Plan guidelines.

Bermuda Plan (2008)

“The Bermuda Plan 2008″ (the Plan) has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Part III of the Development and Planning Act 1974 (the Act). It is the fifth development plan for the Island and will supersede the Bermuda Plan 1992 and the Development Plan for the Former Military Bases 1996. The Plan covers the entire Island with the exception of the land subject to the provisions of the City of Hamilton Plan 2001 (and any subsequent plan). The main purpose of the Plan is to provide for the land use and development requirements of the Island in a way that makes the most effective use of its resources, protects its natural and built environment, and provides a good quality of life for the Island’s residents. As such, the Plan helps to encourage suitable development on appropriate sites and helps the Development Applications Board make decisions on planning applications”.

“The Bermuda Plan 2008 Zoning Maps designate all areas of the island (except for the lands subject to the provisions of the City of Hamilton Plan 2001) into four zoning types: Development Base Zones, Conservation Base Zones, Conservation Areas and Protection Areas. The Conservation and Protection Areas overlay either a Development Base Zone or a Conservation Base Zone.”

”Chapter 18: Recreation”

“The purpose of the Recreation zone is to conserve land for a variety of recreational activities. The areas designated under the Plan as Recreation include public and private playing fields, sports facilities and golf courses, and they are important components of the overall network of linked open spaces across the Island.”

“Some areas zoned Recreation are also designated under the Bermuda National Parks Act 1986 (as amended) and are further regulated by the provisions of that Act.”

“The Plan gives priority to retaining these lands in their open state and to protecting significant natural features. Development in the Recreation zone shall be restricted to recreational forms of development, forms of development associated with the principal recreational use of the land, and other forms of development which are associated with the open use of the land.”


REC (1) To allocate sufficient land throughout the Island for a variety of recreational activities
REC (2) To retain recreational lands in their open state and to protect significant natural features”
It is important for those people interested in preserving the golf course to click on the links below which explain the Bermuda Plan and how it relates to Riddell’s Bay. 

Relevant References and Links here

Mishka @KickStarter 2019 @mishkamusic

Mishka’s seventh full length studio album: “This Love”

Back This Project HERE

Welcome to my Kickstarter campaign. I’m so glad you’re here to join me in the making of my 7th full length studio album, This Love. 

The writing and recording of This Love has led me to a deeper engagement with myself and with my singer/songwriter roots: Through this process has come a full, fresh immersion in the authentic feel of the music – both for me playing the songs, and for you, my listeners and friends. 

You’ll hear lyric driven melodies backed by raw acoustic guitar and sparse but focused studio instrumentation and sound.

This album is an intimate meditation on life, destiny, loss, forgiveness, renewal. Above all, it’s a celebration of love. 

The release of This Love will also mark the 20 year anniversary of my 1999 debut album. And the sound of this new album is reminiscent of that first album in the acoustic nature of the songs. So, it truly is a reflection on all the years gone by: of living, of loving becoming a father and a husband traveling the world meeting the most amazing people everywhere that the music has taken me, making friends and playing with great musicians

There have been a few sad goodbyes along the way but essentially it has been a journey of adventure and gratitude.

At the heart of it, I’m still A Guy With a Guitar and I am still here singing these songs for you. I am so grateful to be able to share this inspiration with you. 

I am pleased to invite you all to be an integral part of the making of This Love.

Scroll down below to find lots of different ways in which you can dynamically contribute and support the release of This Love into the world.

Thank you for all the support and love over the years. I give you This Love in heartfelt return. 

Risks and challenges

Over the past few years we have learned much about the challenges associated with crowdfunding campaigns and how unexpected bumps in the road can lead to poor supporter experiences.

With This Love, the risk reduction strategy started with the demo process. This time I have really slowed the music marination down, not rushed, not settled for ‘good enough’. Musically, I gave myself the time to thoroughly test a few different approaches to the writing process. Songs you believe in is half the battle in this game.

With the benefit of a solid local team and Garage Band, our demo and pre-production costs have also been close to zero, which helps a lot. We are recording at home here on Maui and mixing and mastering in Australia with the best in the business so I’m 100% confident the product will be quality. We have been far more proactive with our rewards fulfilment strategy and have resisted offering items that we will later come to regret.

We have also taken time to build the right partner network. My biggest partners in promotion, live performance, streaming are signed onto be part of the project team and will ensure we get our message in front of more than just my followers.

Of course, the main risk is that we just don’t make it.

But we’ve done it before and we’re doing it again.

One Love. This Love.

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Mishka #YTPlaylist

Help My Heart Campaign – Koeshon aka @GeneralKaution @GoFundMe

Meet KOESHON aka General Kaution a rising star among Bermudian musicians!
We know him from his music, clothing line & captivating personality but behind it all is much, much more …

@ 3 months of age Koeshon was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot and underwent his first open heart surgery.

This condition is a  rare and complex heart defect that affects only 5 in 10,000 newborns.  Tetralogy of fallot is a congenital heart condition that is present at birth and affects the structure of the heart causing abnormal blood flow.


@ the age of 16 Koeshon underwent his second open heart surgery to have a pulmonary valve replacement. Both surgeries took place at Boston’s Children’s hospital. It has also come at a more costly expense due to the disadvantage of living in Bermuda with limited medical resources. As you can imagine the emotional and financial toll this has taken on him and his family is beyond

Now it is time for Koeshon to undergo yet another life saving surgery costing $185,000. 

This GoFundMe Campaign hopes to raise money to aid with his medical expenses. Any donation big or small is a blessing and will help!  gofundme

General Kaution –  |  |  |  |  

Same Sex Marriage – The fight for Justice & Equality in #Bermuda @crowdjustice #LGBT

Same Love Bermuda has launched a crowd funding appeal in a legal fight for this important human rights issue.
Gay Bermudian, Rod Ferguson, is bringing a legal action against the Attorney General in the Bermuda Supreme Court. The case will be heard on May 21st and 22nd by Chief Justice Ian Kawaley. The case, if appealed, could go all the way to the Privy Council.

In December of 2017, the Government of Bermuda passed domestic partnership legislation which the U.K.-appointed Governor of Bermuda gave his assent and signed into law on February 7th, 2018. This legislation reversed the 2017 decision by the Bermuda Supreme Court that originally legalized marriage equality in Bermuda.

Bermuda is the first country in the world to remove the right to marry for gay and lesbian couples.
We truly believe that this action is inconsistent with the rights bestowed upon Mr. Ferguson and the rest of the LGBTQ community under the Bermuda Constitution. Everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, is entitled to the same services and rights.



Ferguson explains challenge to civil unions – RG

BBC Newsbeat Bermuda is about to get rid of same-sex marriage …  is the world’s platform for crowdfunding legal cases. Raise funds, generate awareness, and make change.

OCEAN TECH – Mission 1 #Bermuda @OceanTechGlobal

Ocean Tech – a collaborative marine research project, global education programme and media campaign. Bringing together the world’s top marine scientists with unique military grade autonomous underwater vehicles to undertake the most advanced analysis of marine ecosystems. The data aims to determine critical habitat for marine species to justify the establishment of marine protected areas around the world.

Phase 1 of Ocean Tech takes place in Bermuda. The waters around Bermuda play a vital role in the lives of many species of fish and mammals including galapagos sharks, dusky sharks, tiger sharks, spotted eagle rays, giant tarpon and humpback whales. The autonomous underwater vehicles we will use are capable of closely following and filming the animals, and for the first time by using onboard sensors, scanners and cameras we will be able to reveal a complete picture of how each species interacts with its environment. This data can then be used to justify marine protected areas at policy level. |  | twitter

Our goal is to collaboratively inspire children and adults to become better stewards of the marine environment both in Bermuda and around the world.

Ocean Tech is a Bermuda Registered Charity No. 980. The charity operates unique marine research missions that provide scientific data to help develop areas of marine protection. The first mission is taking place in Bermuda during 2018 and 2019.


@Clinark – #HelpHaiti (Remix)

Help Haiti (Remix) is a conscious Reggae single by Clinark released on October 28, 2016 by Nurture Projects Music on digital download.

The song is inspired by and in support of the people of Haiti following the disaster of Hurricane Mathew

Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2016, the national gross income per capita amounted to around 780 U.S. dollars

The original #HelpHaiti single came about through a collaboration with the Dutch Gong Record label commissioned for the Haitian earthquake appeal in 2010.

We have remixed the earlier version and made reference to Hurricane Matthew. I hope it inspires people and world leaders to help the poor people of Haiti get back on their feet. I felt that I had to say something and I hope that this song helps make a contribution to the change that will have to come for Haitians very soon – Clinark

Purchase “Help Haiti Remix” @  iTunes  Amazon

clinark-musician | facebook | twitter | instagram

@Clinark – #HelpHaiti (Remix)

Help Haiti (Remix) is a conscious Reggae single by Clinark released on October 28, 2016 by Nurture Projects Music on digital download.

The song is inspired by and in support of the people of Haiti following the disaster of Hurricane Mathew

Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2016, the national gross income per capita amounted to around 780 U.S. dollars

The original #HelpHaiti single came about through a collaboration with the Dutch Gong Record label commissioned for the Haitian earthquake appeal in 2010.

We have remixed the earlier version and made reference to Hurricane Matthew. I hope it inspires people and world leaders to help the poor people of Haiti get back on their feet. I felt that I had to say something and I hope that this song helps make a contribution to the change that will have to come for Haitians very soon – Clinark

Purchase “Help Haiti Remix” @  iTunes  Amazon

clinark-musician | facebook | twitter | instagram

#Bermuda Rejects #MarriageEquality in Invalid Referendum

The British Overseas Territory of Bermuda held a non-binding referendum on marriage equality and same-sex civil unions on Thursday, June 23, 2016.

In a message to HRC Global, Tony Brannon of Same Love Bermuda said the results of the referendum are invalid as turnout did not meet the required 50 percent threshold.

Since the results are non-binding and the minimum voter turnout threshold was not met, the government will ….

read full article: Bermuda Rejects Marriage Equality in Invalid Referendum


Preserve Marriage, which consists of a diverse cross-section of our community, appreciates the people of Bermuda who came out to express their beliefs about same-sex marriage and same-sex civil unions.

Although 46.89 percent of the voting population participated, it cannot be ignored that an undeniably clear message has been sent to retain marriage in Bermuda as a special union between a man and a woman for the benefit of society. Bermuda voted against same-sex marriage and against same-sex civil unions almost 2 to 1 on both questions …


Mike HInd – Plan E. Album #2 @Indiegogo @MikeHindBDA

I’ve been writing & I want to keep on doing it. I’ve got songs & ideas & I need help getting the words & music out!

I had a bit of a weird 2015 that could be divided into two parts: on the one hand an absolutely amazing and life-/career-changing year (I met some of the most amazing people) while on the other a soul-crushing, ‘give-it-all-up-why-bother’ depressing one.

What do we do when this all gets thrown at us? We write!

And I have been. I’ve been writing a lot. I’ve got some songs that I’m kinda happy with and a bunch of half-songs that I think I’ll be ecstatic with when I get them done.

So, I need your help to make it happen …

Support Mike’s Campaign @ Indiegogo – Plan E. Album #2

Mike Hind | facebooktwitter | instagram