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The Outlaw Ocean Music Project #TheOutlawOcean @ian_urbina

The Outlaw Ocean is a riveting, adrenaline-fueled journey through some of the most dangerous regions of the earth: the high seas, where lawlessness and physical risk prevail. Ian Urbina — Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for The New York Times — gives us a galvanizing account of the several years he spent exploring and investigating the high seas, the industries that make use of it, and the people who make their, often criminal, living on it.

Reporter: Ian Urbina | Editor: Sophia Peer | Producer: Annelise Blackwood | Footage: Fabio Nascimento
Artists from Around the World Meld Journalism into Music

Four Bermudian artists have participated in this global collaboration – The Outlaw Ocean Music Project – focused not only on producing rich beats, but also promoting ocean awareness. The Bermudian artistry featuring Heather Nova, Jude Richardson, Detrivore and Nala Tessloff all produced varying musical interpretations, but shared a common goal of creating content that told important stories.

Tessloff said, “As the singer, I loved combining the whale songs with the crying seagulls. I
wanted to sing with them, so I found a melody that captured this feeling of solitude and the
overwhelming desire for freedom that the sound of the sea inspires.”

Read complete article here


TheOutlawOcean.comtwitter | facebook | instagram | spotify

‘Tapestry of Tales’ – Bermuda Portraits by Amanda Temple

A book of portraits of people at home, beautifully woven together by their stories.

For the last year I have been photographing people in their homes. Their kindness and candor has overwhelmed me and I am now in the last stages of designing a book to share their stories. My incredibly talented sister Sacha Blackburne helped me create this film. I hope you enjoy it… and are dying to buy the book!

A look at how the book came together

Amanda has decided to self-publish in order to retain complete creative control. She has agonized over every image and every word and is now working on finalizing the book design and working with a printer to create an absolutely stunning book to house this incredible constellation of characters. Please consider helping her weave the last threads of the Tapestry together by contributing to her INDIEGOGO campaign!

Hardback with foil stamped fabric cover
230-240 pages   |   9×12″   |   partially recycled matte paper
First Edition of 2000

Amanda Temple  – FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHER  – Bermuda • Paris • London

amanda2btemple2bblog2bbanner | facebook | twitter | instagram | pinterest indiegogo

Amanda Temple Photography Bermuda

Amanda Temple creates authentic portraits that capture the love and tenderness between people. Film by Sacha Blackburne. Original song written and performed by Heather Nova.



Brian Burland Centre for Research @BermudaCollege

Brian Burland (23 April 1931 – 11 February 2010) was a Bermudian writer, who was the author of nine acclaimed novels that typically dealt with colonialism, family strife and race. He was also a published poet. Burland was the first Bermudian novelist to receive international acclaim

After his death Burland’s family donated a collection of his original manuscripts, unpublished novels, poems, journals, correspondence and paintings, for educational use to the Bermuda College,where on 9 May 2013 the Brian Burland Centre for Research was formally opened. Dedicated to preserving and promoting his works and as well as to encouraging aspiring Bermudian writers, the Centre features a specially commissioned mural by leading Bermudian artist Graham Foster that depicts imagery from four Burland novels: The Sailor and the Fox, Flight of the Cavalier, A Fall From Aloft, and Stephen Decatur, the Devil and the Endymion.
A special course is to be taught at Bermuda College on the work of Brian Burland, whom Angela Barry of the Burland Collection Committee has described as “the greatest writer never to be known or acknowledged in the country of his birth”.


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The Defining Story of #Bermuda ‘s Great Gunpowder Plot 1775: The American Connection and Other Selected Highlights Including the Attack on Washington (1814)

August 14th, 1775 was a hot, humid, moonlit night. The British Governor of Bermuda was sound asleep in his bed. The Royal Gunpowder Magazine was unguarded. It made a tempting target. The American Rebels needed gunpowder. The Bermudians needed provisions. A secret deal was done. A covert band of Bermudians carried out the theft, a potentially treasonous crime against the British Crown.But it worked. It was a masterpiece of deception, planning and execution. To the British Governor it was “a most heinous and attrocious crime” and his worst nightmare. To General Washington it was a gift from heaven.

This is a dramatic story of intrigue, manipulation, high risk and great danger. In his fascinating new book, Bermudian Historian and Author Michael G. Marsh painstakingly unravels the truth about Bermuda’s GREAT GUNPOWDER PLOT of 1775.

In this presentation at the BUEI Michael sifts through the historical records and delivers a special, illustrated summary of this hair-raising tale of midnight skulduggery and daring and we finally discover what actually transpired.

The Defining Story of #Bermuda ‘s Great Gunpowder Plot 1775: The American Connection and Other Selected Highlights Including the Attack on Washington (1814) @Amazon


#BlackPower in #Bermuda: The Struggle for Decolonization – Dr. Quito Swan

Black Power in Bermuda The Struggle for Decolonization Quito Swan

Read a sample here

A transnational, pan-African youth movement, Black Power in Bermuda sought freedom for Blacks from the island’s White oligarchy and independence from British colonialism. It was spearheaded by activists such as Pauulu Kamarakafego and the Black Beret Cadre. The Cadre maintained relationships with revolutionary organizations across the African Diaspora, such as the Black Panthers. Emerging in the late 1960s, the Movement witnessed the assassinations of Bermuda’s British Chief of Police and Governor (1972-1973). Swan carefully details the island’s colonial government’s attempts to destroy the Movement through military tactics, extensive propaganda, and the implementation of token social concessions.

Source: Black Power in Bermuda: The Struggle for Decolonization – Quito Swan – Google Books

Black Power in Bermuda: Facebook | Amazon



#BlackPower in #Bermuda: The Struggle for Decolonization – Dr. Quito Swan

Black Power in Bermuda The Struggle for Decolonization Quito Swan

Read a sample here

A transnational, pan-African youth movement, Black Power in Bermuda sought freedom for Blacks from the island’s White oligarchy and independence from British colonialism. It was spearheaded by activists such as Pauulu Kamarakafego and the Black Beret Cadre. The Cadre maintained relationships with revolutionary organizations across the African Diaspora, such as the Black Panthers. Emerging in the late 1960s, the Movement witnessed the assassinations of Bermuda’s British Chief of Police and Governor (1972-1973). Swan carefully details the island’s colonial government’s attempts to destroy the Movement through military tactics, extensive propaganda, and the implementation of token social concessions.

Source: Black Power in Bermuda: The Struggle for Decolonization – Quito Swan – Google Books

Black Power in Bermuda: Facebook | Amazon



#Bermuda Bliss – Digital Magazine Launch – 2014 @BDABliss

Date: Thursday, June 19, 2014 | Location:
Bermuda Bliss Magazine would like to welcome you to the launch of our first magazine issue! Please join us on 19th June as we will release our magazine to the public online! Our magazine is a FREE Digital Magazine which is offered to the public of Bermuda.
Bermuda Bliss Magazine
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The Turtle Who Ate A Balloon – Andrew Stevenson & Peter Woolcock

The story of how The Turtle who ate a Balloon, is rescued by a baby humpback whale, and helped by Spike the Barracuda, Darth Vader the Grouper and  the aquarists at the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo.  Even Mr BUTT the Bermuda Underwater Terrifying Troll gets involved when he calls for a Big Thing under his bridge at Flatts to discuss the problem. There’s excitement as the turtle is blown out to sea from the Aquarium after a hurricane. Disaster strikes again when the turtle is tangled in discarded fishing line. Only  Umbriago El Dragon from Castle Island can rescue the turtle!

A cautionary tale about the dangers posed to marine creatures, this children’s book based in Bermuda has an accompanying audio book read aloud by the author and the illustrator.

The Turtle Who Ate a Balloon – Hardcover @Amazon January 1, 2007

Interview with author Andrew Stevenson & artist Peter Woolcock 

Video by Cup Match Productions –

#Bermuda Now [Vol 06]

Bermuda Now is THE source for what’s happening in Bermuda for Locals and Tourists alike … featuring Nightlife, Entertainment, Dining, Non-Profits, Shopping, and Arts & Culture. Available at Grocery Stores, Airport, Pharmacies, Crusie Ship Docks, Visitors Centers, and hundreds of other locations around Bermuda…

Memoirs of My Scars – De’jon Simons @flowbewankenobi

De’jon began writing as a therapeutic outlet.

His writing has given insight and inspiration to others erasing the physical appearance of him while letting readers find an image through his words.

Ten years of agony and hardship has lead to De’jon’s first published book (December 14, 2011) consisting of an intimate collection of poetry – Memoirs of My Scars – that follows his path of self-acceptance and self-expression.

The first piece, entitled “I Am Not My Skin”, introduces readers to his world of isolation and pain but the poem ends with the revelation that there is more to De’Jon than his outer appearance.


De’Jon’s book has received reviews from the likes of bestselling author Enitan Bereola II. (Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman & Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate)

Love, hate, anger, confusion, contentment, tragedy, despair, hope, purity, honesty, authenticity, vulnerability – this isn’t a mere collection of words…this book purges understanding onto those who have none. – Enitan Bereola II

Dej’on’s ICU nurse from Shriner’s Children’s Hospital for Burn Survivors in Boston, MANurse Maston of Shriner’s writes…

One often wonders if there is any life worth living after such an event. This collection of poetry shows the reader that although there are many struggles after such an accident, there are also many joys to be had in life.

The poetry is so well written that the reader actually feels what the author is feeling. I became so engrossed in what I was reading and although I found myself crying tears of sadness, there were also many tears of joy.

Since the accident, De’Jon has performed spoken word and has presented in Bermuda and the United States as a motivational speaker. Memoirs of My Scars is his first published literary works. His graphic design projects have been admired by many through flyers and artwork posted to Facebook. He has extended his talents to writing and creating riveting book covers for his upcoming book releases and other local books.

Memoirs of My Scars was published by CKC BOOKS, Bermuda’s newest publishing company & can be found in e-book or paper back version @

Dejon Simmons facebook | twitter