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Joy T. Barnum – Celestial

Produced, Performed and adapted by Joy T Barnum Written by Vejay Steede Inspired by Ijah Richardson Composed by Malcolm Brian Swan Recorded by Felix Tod Mixed and Mastered by Elliot James Mulhern (@elliotjamesmulhern ) Filmed by Marq Rodriguez Edited by Marq Rodriguez & Joy T Barnum. Creative Director: Joy T Barnum Assistant Creative Manager: Lyn Winford (@pixiegrottostudio559 )

Hair by Iresah Philpott Fashion by Amethyst Richardson for SpiritWear Makeup by James R Lee of MAC & Serena Brangman Nails created by Nails by Keely T (@nailsbykeely1700 ) Artwork by Amy Zanders Underwater Videography by James Doughty of Burnt House Productions

Filmed on location in Beautiful Bermuda! (@BTAInsights )

Thank you for all who entrusted their loved ones’ memories to this work

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