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Heather Nova – Every Soldier is a Mother’s Son

Every Soldier is a Mother’s Son

I keep a light in the window Dark band on my heart Some days are better than others Mostly I’m falling apart I keep his picture beside me I see the dream in his eyes I watch the light disappearing Into unsettled skies You say the world will be a better place After this war is won You say no sacrifice too great But every soldier is a mother’s son I know he can’t take the killing And how it messes with his soul I know the days are unending When you’re so far from home You say the world will be a better place After this war is won You say no sacrifice too great But every soldier is a mother’s son

I wrote this song during the war in Iraq, but it’s really about all war. Beyond any justification of a war, beyond the cause, there is always immense and tragic loss of life , and the unimaginable grief of thousands of parents. Mothers lose their children whether the war is lost or won, whether a greater good came of the war or not: The loss, the grief, is the same. My heart breaks for the people of Ukraine ??? and I donate to support them. And my heart breaks for all mothers on both sides of any conflict – Heather Nova

From the album “The Jasmine Flower” 2008 Written and performed by Heather Nova

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