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#Bermuda National Puppet Party | Elackshun 2012 Promo @Bermemes

you tube video no longer availablePolitical parody from the ever popular Bermemes regarding the PLP political broadcast ‘Both Ways OBA!’

Bermemes launches the new “political party” NPP! (The National Puppet party) … and like any good political party does not miss the chance to plug for their aceboy @exist270

Ay buh… We guys a tiyad uv de Bermewjin politikul pardees. Wuh starting our own. De pardees shoulda hired ya boy exist.multimedia as campaign manajah. Boasty. VOTE FA DE NPP IN 2012!

A recent comment on the Bermemes facebook page already sheds doubts on this new ‘political force’ that is taking the Bermuda Isles by storm.

I have issues with the National Puppet Party. Who’s got their hands in it? Who’s really pulling the strings and are they really speaking for themselves?” – Chris Gibbons

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#Bermuda National Puppet Party | Elackshun 2012 Promo @Bermemes

you tube video no longer availablePolitical parody from the ever popular Bermemes regarding the PLP political broadcast ‘Both Ways OBA!’

Bermemes launches the new “political party” NPP! (The National Puppet party) … and like any good political party does not miss the chance to plug for their aceboy @exist270

Ay buh… We guys a tiyad uv de Bermewjin politikul pardees. Wuh starting our own. De pardees shoulda hired ya boy exist.multimedia as campaign manajah. Boasty. VOTE FA DE NPP IN 2012!

A recent comment on the Bermemes facebook page already sheds doubts on this new ‘political force’ that is taking the Bermuda Isles by storm.

I have issues with the National Puppet Party. Who’s got their hands in it? Who’s really pulling the strings and are they really speaking for themselves?” – Chris Gibbons

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Bermemes #YTplaylist


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