Following the enormous success of the Burnt House Production’s cliff jumping video with Shreddy Times and the BDOT’s Spring Break Promo video (also produced by Burnt House) the Bermuda Department of Tourism (BDOT) wanted to open the market to all residents, with no age limit, to capture the best of Bermuda on film.
And it was so that The (BDOT) Video Competition 2012 was born!
The Nature of Life – Bermuda (Charles Reilly)
Island Paradise (Choy Aming)
The quarterly competition is open to all Bermuda residents. The next deadline for submissions is October 15, 2012.Video content should target potential visitors to Bermuda and address the question why should you visit Bermuda. The content must inspire visitors to want to come with positive images and scenes. Additional criteria for production are all videos must be of HD quality; proof of ownership or copyright release for music is required in writing; videos should not exceed two-minutes; and must not include any obscene content or language and nudity and product marketing is prohibited.BDOT is seeking creative, innovative fun and exciting footage of Bermuda to promote the island on the Department’s social media sites.
Bermuda Department of Tourism