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Clinark @SoundCloud

Clinark became known as ‘The Reggae Torch’ after a line in his song ‘Inspirational Prayer’ which goes: ‘I just re-ignited the torch as one of your soldiers …Though many trials and tribulations, I’ve been through.’ © 2005 Clinarke Dill & Juliet L Edwards

Reggae singer and songwriter, Clinark (pronounced Klin_Ark), real name Clinarke Dill. His music career started  out as a  lead singer and musician (keyboard & drums) on the British colony of Bermuda for top Bands  ‘Youth Creation’ ‘Studio Six,’ & ‘Jahstice’. He was brought up as a Seven Day Adventist. He is renowned for his ability to span all ranges, extending to tenor, coupled with a captivating spiritual stage presence. His repertoire stretches from Bob Marley to Michael Jackson … read full bio here.

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