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Clinark ft. Troy Anthony – Sign of the Times

Sign Of the Times from Clinark’s Journey To Foreign Album – Filmed on Location in England by DOF Films UK directed by Chris Cargil.


PRESS RELEASE – 18 November 2008

Album: Clinark: ‘Journey to Foreign’  UK & Europe  Release Date 24th Nov 2008.

Album: ‘Journey to Foreign’

Artist: Clinark: Bermudian/UK solo artist, singer/song writer/producer

Featuring, Gramps Morgan & Peter Heritage (of Morgan Heritage), Richie Spice, Irie Love, Maxi Priest, Luciano, Fantan Mojah, Kofi, & Troy Anthony & Brinsley Forde (Aswad)

  • Style: Reggae – Modern Roots, Culture & Lovers Rock, New Ska
  • Label: Nurture Projects (Indie) UK
  • Europe Release Date  24 November 2008 ,   Album Release ( Bermuda ) Date: 30 September 2008
  • Production by Dillie @Stingray, Mafia & Fluxy & Nurture Projects
  • Includes: ‘Life in the Ghetto Remix Feat Gramps & Peter Morgan’ ‘Angel Eyes’ & Clinark’s ‘Dem Come’ Remix

Clinark’s ‘Journey to Foreign’ album is out  Now on CD and mp3 download. This long awaited debut album is set to be  a classic Roots & Culture album. Also feat. Richie Spice, Luciano, Maxi Priest,  Kofi, Brinsley Forde (Aswad) and Irie Love,Troy Anthony, FantanMojah and Gramps & Peter Morgan. ‘Clinark said ‘ ‘Wow, its been a great 4 year struggle to bring the album out, Mafia & Fluxy and Dillie at Stingray, helped me to produce something so amazing, with all the musicians and artists that believed in me and worked on the project, I feel that they really understood my work and brought it out at its best.’

Copies are available in shops and  from our sister site Riviera Roots in the UK, ErnieB’s in USA  or www.cdbaby. It is also available on digital download on various sites including iTunes, Napster, Amazon, Emusic and many more.  The main distributor in Europe is

Listen to sample tracks on

More info Please check out the official fan site of Clinark – The Reggae Torch


Journey to Foreign Album Music Video

  • Music Video with Clinark, Gramps Morgan & Peter Heritage 
  • ‘Life in the Ghetto’ to be released on 24th October. (Filmed on location in UK -Walthamstow, Stingray Studios, Perivale & Edmonton, and London).
  • Music Video with Clinark & Irie Love for ‘It’s True’ song on the album. (Filmed on location in UK  & Bermuda )Release Date:  December 2008.

‘Journey to Foreign ‘Release Party took place in Bermuda on Sat 4th October at Snorkel Park.

  • Bermuda born Reggae Artist, Clinark, serenaded Bermuda with strong vibes at the release party of his debut studio album ‘Journey to Foreign’ at Snorkel Park. Clinark said ‘I am truly honoured to have such support from the top artists in the industry. I am amazed at that I my work has achieved this level of support , it was hard work that has now paid off , with the feedback alone I am full up’ With a wealth of artists turning out to support Clinark’s landmark achievement in the history of Bermuda’s musical heritage. We had Gramps & Peter Heritage of top international reggae band , Morgan Heritage and beautiful Hawaiian & Jamaican songstress Irie Love, all flying in to perform collaborations on the album. . The set was played in  DJ Magic of Souljah One. So to did we have Bermudian super talent, Troy Anthony and stepping up in support was FireKid, BuckWild and RasYohannes

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