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Graham Foster’s #Bermuda Hall of History Mural @TEDxBermuda @bermudasearch

Method in the madness – Painting 400 years of Bermudian history.

-TEDx Bermuda April 2011

Bermudian painter and sculptor Graham Foster shares the process and the insanity that comes from being given the commission of a lifetime …. 400 years of complicated history depicted in one mural …. but the mural is over 1000 square ft … on several walls and within a 200 year old military building!

“I will leave a piece of my sanity in this room”

– Graham Foster (2009)

Graham Foster


The Hall of History – Bermuda’s Story in Art – BermudaYP

Bermudian Artist Graham Foster introduces you to his 1000 square ft mural of Bermuda’s history at the Bermuda Maritime Museum in Dockyards, and talks about how the project started and about its long process to completion. – Bermuda’s local search engine – videos, local listings, maps & other helpful Bermuda information,

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