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#Bermuda Home Movies 1920’s #silentfilm

3 videos. 25 mins

  1. Scenes of Bermudian tourist life including boating, beach scenes, hotel life (ie. swimming pools, tennis, gardens), street scenes showing horse and buggies and waterfront/dockyard scenes.

  2.  Scenes of Bermudian tourist life including boating, beach scenes, hotel life (ie swimming pools, tennis, gardens), street scenes showing horse and buggies and arrival of dignitary [Edward, Prince of Wales aboard royal yacht]. Note: Also includes the short film Lily Fields of Bermuda which may have been filmed by FRASER.

3. Various scenes of Bermudian life showing market scenes, fishing, washing, villages, loading bananas at dockyard, street scenes and a ship leaving the island at night.

Filmmaker: Allen Fraser

For more information on the archives and these films, please visit:

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