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Elsa Stevenson – #Bermuda #Humpbackwhale Encounter @whalesbermuda

8-year-old Elsa Stevenson, narrator of the award winning documentary Where The Whales Sing produced by her father Andrew Stevenson (founder of the Humpback Whale Research Project, Bermuda) has her first encounter for an hour and a half with a female, calf and escort humpack whale.

On his blog & daily diary Andrew says;

At times they seemed more interested in her than vice versa. I am sure they recognised that she was a human ‘calf’. The mother repeatedly swam towards us within ten feet and less to look while her calf hid underneath. Elsa also used her own underwater camera to film two ‘dancers’ that danced around us, apparently more interested in wooing us than each other. This was her favourite experience.

For a year and a half she has been a member of a swim club and swum three times a week, one and a half hours per session, to become proficient enough at swimming that I would take her with me. In the end, she was like a squid, darting about here and there and with my 55-pound camera I was incapable of keeping up with her.

Where the Whales Sing Soundtrack @Steve_Gallant @whalesbermuda

In 2010 the documentary film Where the Whales Sing  by Andrew Stevenson premiered at the Bermuda International Film Festival (BIFF) and since then it has screened at numerous film festivals and won several awards.

steve gallant
The musical score for the film was composed by Bermuda’s own Steve Gallant. Steve emerged onto the scene at an extremely early age in 1987 when he composed and music-directed an original musical adaptation of “The Diary of Adrian Mole” for a summer youth programme at the Bermuda Musical & Dramatic Society (B.M.D.S.)Later on in his career as a freelance music composer (and after obtaining his Diploma in Media Music) he began collaborating with independent filmmakers.

Steve has granted BermudaStream an exclusive interview and a fascinating look into his world of musical composition.

Where the Whales Sing #Bermuda Documentary @whalesbermuda

In 2010 the documentary film Where the Whales Sing, by Andrew Stevenson premiered at the Bermuda International Film Festival.  The film is a result of three years of Andrew’s researching, photographing, filming and cataloging of the humpback whales that migrate past Bermuda each spring. Bermuda’s unique mid-ocean platform provides a natural port of call for the humpbacks during their seasonal migratory voyage to the cold northern feeding grounds. For viewers it is a visually stunning journey of discovery into the life of these majestic marine mammals and  a call in the plight for protection against man’s ever increasing and often devastating impact on the oceans and its inhabitants. The film is accompanied by the voice of wonder and innocence of his 6-year old daughter.

Where the Whales Sing” was an award winner for best emerging underwater filmmaker at BLUE Ocean Film Festival, a high honours winner at the Princeton Environmental Film Festival, was selected as a finalist at the Nations Capital Environmental Film Festival, won an award as the best environmental film at a film festival in Croatia where it also won the audience choice award. It has been translated with Spanish subtitles for the Environmental Film Festival in Dominican Republic. Recently it won the Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art 2011 Chairman Prize – A. Stevenson | facebook

Slideshow of photographs taken by Andrew in the Spring of 2007 and exhibited at The Elliot Gallery from Feb 19th to March 3rd 2008.

Where the Whales Sing Awards

  1. Blue Ocean Film Festival – Best Emerging Underwater Filmmaker 2010.
  2. Princeton Environmental Film Festival – a high Honours Winner
  3. Nations Capital Environmental Film Festival – selected as a finalist
  4. Croatia Film Festival – Best Environmental Film & Special Audience Choice Award.
  5. Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art  –  Charman Prize 2011

The musical score for the film was composed by Steve Gallant who has granted BermudaStream an exclusive interview and fascinating look into his world of musical composition – Steve Gallant Interview