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J-REGØ @SoundCloud @Joey_Rego

Joey Rego (J-REGØ) has been singing all his life. He has a wide vocal range singing everything from Reggae, Hip Hop, R&B to even Pop and Classical music.

Joey hails from Smith’s Parish. He grew up in Bermuda until he was 18. He now lives in Boynton Beach Florida working at Lynn University where he received a full athletic scholarship for Soccer. Joey actually started singing pretty early in life with for his school choir at MSA which also included lead solos for songs. It was in his second year in college that he actually teamed up with some friends on co-writing his first original song “Just Those Little Things”. From there he was hooked. Enjoying the freedom to write and sing from the heart on subjects that either involved him directly or things around him. Just Those Little Things – Co Written by Joey Rego and IV Aaron G. Joey provided the hook and the harmonies for the song while Aaron provided the lyrics for the verses. Created back in 2001-2002.

Over the years Joey has really put his ideas to music soley for the enjoyment of writing and singing. There hasn’t really been a plan per se. But as time goes on, he is developing his music and writing skills to share songs with the world that speak a message. Whether its “What’s Going On” in the world, the pain that a father and mother feel when they have a child leave the nest in the song “Time to Go” or even a song preaching to the youthes that a “life filled with crime is not for anyone” in his latest release No More guns.

 J-REGØ  | Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud