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Flookie – Tell It To Me

Bermudian artist Flookie recording “Tell It To Me” on the “Longtime” version from Special Delivery Music. The track was written by Flookie and recorded in Bermuda at Just Platinum Studio.

Tell it to me, come and explain it to me, my friend. All this hostility, all this brutality …

Big respect to Flookie, Steve Easton, Gary Macpherson and Special Delivery Music ! – Stalwart


Tell It To Me – The Guitar Refix

Stalwart Mobile Music Video presents local Bermudian guitarist Gary Macpherson on the Longtime version of Flookie’s Tell It To Me from Special Delivery Music.

Gary was in the studio to add some flavour to the new track and the result was just too hot not to release on its own! Big respect to Gary, Steve at Just Platunum and Special Delivery Music. – Stalwart