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Dolphins bowriding breaching whales in #Bermuda

North Atlantic humpbacks migrate over the open ocean each spring on their way from the breeding/mating grounds in the Caribbean to their feeding grounds up north.

Here you can see five humpbacks in Bermuda still displaying the courting/mating behaviour as two challenging males breach and pec slap to attract the attention of a mother humpback with a calf and a primary escort. You can also see a pod of dolphins bowriding the whales and see the scatter action as they dive out of the way of a breaching whale. You can also see dolphins bowriding the female as she supports her young calf on her back. You can also see the young calf lying on its back pec slapping, learing from the adults.


“Where the Whales Sing” one hour documentary on the humpbacks.

Dolphin Quest – Dockyard, Bermuda

Indulging your mermaid (or merman) fantasies has never been easier, thanks to the many swim-with-dolphins centers that have popped up in nearly every beach tourist destination. Rarely, however, will you find a dolphin center that treats the friendly sea mammals with the level of devoted care shown at Dolphin Quest in Bermuda. Dolphin Quest is located at the well-respected Bermuda Maritime Museum, where the dolphins live in a safe and secure environment, receive daily health care and are consistently stimulated by games and people. Both children and adults can enjoy the numerous activities, including feeding the dolphins, swimming with them or riding a scooter alongside them while they swim. For the ultimate dolphin experience, try the Trainer for a Day Program, which allows you to assist in health examinations, observe training programs and interact with the dolphins for more than five hours. Though the ultimate fantasy would be to swim with them in the wild, only at Dolphin Quest will you get close enough for a kiss.