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What #Bermuda ’s immigration debate means for #Cayman @cayCompass


cayman compass bermuda immigrationAll is not well in Bermuda … and hasn’t been for some time.

” Their government’s announced intention to pursue dramatic immigration reforms has plunged our North Atlantic cousin into a state of unrest — somewhere between existential conversation and outright crisis.

On one side, the pro-reform group argues that Bermuda’s economy will continue to atrophy in the absence of changes to the territory’s draconian immigration regime, beginning by making it easier for longtime residents (who have lived in Bermuda for more than 20 years) to seek Bermuda status, and allowing longtime workers (in Bermuda for 15 years or more) to seek long-term residency.

On the other side, opponents protest that the government’s plans will harm existing Bermudians and threaten the destruction of Bermuda’s cultural identity.

Sound familiar? ”

Read full article here : EDITORIAL – What Bermuda’s immigration debate means for Cayman | Cayman Compass 

Cayman Compass

Serving Cayman since 1965, The Caymanian Compass is the Cayman Islands’ favourite newspaper.