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Bermuda Crystal Caves

“Be careful how hard you hit that ball in your next cricket match; you never know where youll have to go searching for it, or what you might find. According to local lore, in the early 1900s two boys went searching for a lost ball and stumbled upon an enchanting underground spectacle now known as the Crystal & Fantasy Caves. You wont have to press through the same small hole that the Hollis brothers did to encounter this phenomenon of geological formations; the caves now have a visitors entrance, guided tours and constructed walkways that descend 120 feet under the earths surface.

Upon entering the Crystal Caves youll discover the reason behind their name is as clear as the water that fills them. Although theyre deep within the earth, the waters of underground Cahow Lake shimmer in rich deep turquoise. Stroll across the pontoon bridge pathways along the surface of the lake, passing countless white helictites, which are characterized by their clustered, abstract and jagged formations. Stalactites trickle down from the ceiling and stalagmites emerge through the clear water from the caves floor, 50 feet below.

Adventurous types will find a heart-pumping descent next-door at Fantasy Cave. A steep journey underground leads to a treasure trove of constellations with soda straw formations dripping from above and calcite mineral deposits ornamenting the cave walls like frozen crystalline waterfalls. Standing on bridged pathways over the illuminated water, youll get just a teasing glimpse of the interconnecting passageways that lead out to the ocean.

After the tough climb out of Fantasy Cave you can re-energize on the grounds, with a light bite or drink at Cafe Olé followed by a visit to Fiddlestix, where you can buy your very own precious crystal memorabilia.”


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Bermuda Underwater Cave Environment & Sea Creatures

Bermuda’s authentic caves hold clues to ice age and sea level rise, and also shelter unique cave adapted species found nowhere else on the planet …

This  Bermuda Caves video is part of a documentary series featured in an abridged mini-series on Discovery Channel Canada. It was created and produced by the Bermuda Environmental Alliance (BEA) to raise awareness about Bermuda’s natural environment.

Children on the island are now benefiting from the December 2011 launch of six, 30 minute environmental documentary videos which are being distributed  to schools across the Island as a learning resource.

Bermuda’s Water Catchment, Return of the Ghost Bird (cahows), Bermuda’s Mystical (underwater) Caves, Bio-diesel from the Sargasso Sea Algae, trash reduction and the Cooper’s Island regeneration project are the topics covered in the documentaries.

Bermuda Environmental Alliance