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Evidence of Sea Level Rise in #Bermuda

30,000 years ago Bermuda was 300 square miles (775 km2) but now it has been reduced to 20.6 square miles (53.3km2) and Teddy Tucker predicts that if this trend in sea level rise continues Bermuda will eventually perish.

The BUEI and Canadian Geological scientists uncover a 7000 year old cedar stump found submerged at a depth of 10 metres in Bermuda’s waters providing stark evidence of sea level rise.

Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute

Thirty years ago, John F. Kennedy observed that although 70 percent of the earth is covered by water, mankind lavished more money, energy and time on studying the surface of the moon than on learning about the oceans of our own planet.

And sadly, despite enormous improvements in technology, we still focus more on the stars above than on the seas around us.

The Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute can be a pioneer in redressing that lunatic imbalance. By focusing on everything from marine biology to the technology of underwater exploration and deep-ocean ecology, by offering the public glimpses of all the wonders beneath the surface, the Institute will foster a greater appreciation and understanding of this last critical frontier. . .

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