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#Bermuda #Kitesurfing @Bermuda

Pro kiteboarders Laurel Eastman, Sensi Graves, Therese Taabbel, and Melissa Gil set out to explore Bermuda. Here is the story of where the winds took them!

Filmed & Photographed by Nhuri Bashir, Andrew Kirkpatrick, John Singleton and Jay Riihiluoma


Filmed & Photographed by Nhuri Bashir, Andrew Kirkpatrick, John Singleton and Jay Riihiluoma

Bermuda Tourism Authority | | facebook | twitter | instagram | pinterest | google+

BTA #YTPlaylist

#APieceOfTheRock #Trailer #Bermuda @piece_oftheRock

Bermuda: a haven of natural beauty and mecca for international business. But also home to some of the deadliest roads in the world. For a small island, fatalities and severe injuries from road crashes in Bermuda eclipse the rest of the developed world and pose a national health crisis that impacts thousands. But what is being done to arrest the blood flow? Shot over a 9 month period including raw footage from ambulances and trauma room at the ER, A Piece of the Rock explores the cultural causes that underlie Bermuda’s road crash rates and points to the simple solutions that can make a big difference.
A Piece of the Rock facebook | twitter | ptix

Director: Andrew Kirkpatrick


Whale Battle #Bermuda

Between the month of March and April every year about 10,000 whales go by Bermuda.

The island’s sea mount is a final pit stop for the entire North Atlantic humpback whale population on their swim north out of the Caribbean before they break off into their various sub-populations.

This short film uses new drone technology alongside underwater film to capture spectacular footage of a mother humpback whale and her calf and her escort’s battle with several contenders …

Burnt House Productions #YTplaylist @BurntHouseprod

With Burnt House Productions origins routed in viral videos it has quickly grown to become one of the islands premier film companies expanding into all walks of the filming world.  With the ability to shoot on land, sea and air Burnt House Productions award winning work has ranged from  Music Videos, Corporate Ads, Television Promos, Short Films, and Documentaries to on-island liaisons for larger international clients and their shoots.  Burnt House Productions strives for creative innovation while maintaining a professional and fun work environment.

Burnt House Productions | facebook| twitter

600ft Rope Swing Bungee Jump – Magwa Falls, South Africa

Mike Wilson and Bermudian Andrew Kirkpatrick have traveled to South Africa to build the most insane rope swing bungee jump. Ever. What’s a rope swing bungee jump, you ask? Well, exactly what it sounds like, only bigger.  This one (the biggest ever? The first ever?) plunges 600ft straight down into the Magwa Falls gorge and and features four seconds of pure, hair-raising free fall. Sure, it’s safe, but that doesn’t mean it’s not scary as hell. Would you take the plunge?

Director & Producer: Andrew Kirkpatrick

Burnt House Productions –

Stunt Coordinator / Rigging: Mike Wilson

magwa falls
magwa falls7
magwa falls 1
magwa falls 4
magwa falls 5
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magwa falls 8
magwa falls 9
magwa falls ACE GIRL

Photos copyright burnthouseprod

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Happy Bermuda @Pharrell Williams @BurntHouseProd

Pharrell Williams‘ Happy #Bermuda Version created by Andrew Kirkpatrick and Laura Siegfried with Burnt House & Rock Fire Productions