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M. A. D. Art Show #Bermuda

“M.ale A.cademic D.isengagement ” exhibition followed by a lecture at the Bermuda College in 2011.

The M.A.D show ran from Thursday, November 3-28, 2012 @ theBermuda College, on the second floor of the North Hall.

In association with B.A.R.U (B.ermudian A.rtists R.ise U.p)


Filmed and produced by Bermuda’s own Lara D. Smith (Founder/ Creative Director of LDS Multimedia: A Bermuda based video production company) specializing in documentary, commercial, corporate, animation, voice over (or any specially requested video production) For more info E-mail: TEL: (441)-534-1707



Trevor Todd – Face of the Rock @co2arts

Trevor Todd is an artist, but, he spends a good portion of his year working in the local quarry yards of Bermuda, harvesting limestone bedrock into the blocks and slabs that will form the walls and slate the roofs that Bermudians live under.

It’s not the most appealing of occupations to most, but for Trevor this work will pay the bills, bank enough money for a month or so of travel per year, and allow him to buy the supplies he needs for his real passion: making art.

Creatively employing different mediums, including industrial items such as hex-nuts and sawdust from PVC-piping, Trevor creates pieces that reflect his themes of journeying and ‘cosmic consciousness’, a philosophy that he says involves meditating on inner-knowledge, self-awareness and being content.

N.B. Bermuda is a rock that emerged from the ocean floor millions of years ago as an erupting volcano, and thanks to the living organisms that became our coral reef, a limestone cap formed above that volcano. For the last 388 years (at least), we have carved and sculpted the landscape out of this solidified calcium carbonate, into the houses, roads and walls that constitute our island community’s infrastructure.

Trevor contributes to the definition and re-definition of Bermuda’s landscape through art.

Trevor Todd | facebook | twitterlinkedin

Articles: ‘Priceless’ painting is missing – RG


Fetish Art Show – B.ermudian A.rtists R.ise U.p

Friday, November 18, 2011. 6-8pm @ Walker Arcade, Hamilton, Bermuda.

B.A.R.U (Bermudian Artists Rise Up) explore  the provocative and little known world of  Fetishes through the art exhibition “FETISH.”

Calix Smith and Ami Zanders talk about the FETISH Show (one of their many 2011 exhibits), B.A.R.U and their aims to keep local Bermudian artists in that zone of creation; keep them motivated; keep them questioning and keep them pushing the boundries of Bermuda Art and what it stands for.

“FETISH” Art Show, Bermuda – Luning & Balloon Fetishes, LA Prostitution Card Collage, “Fetish” under your feet, Octopus Bestiality, Feathers & Viagra, Birth, Sex & Fallopian tubes & much, much more …

Featured Artists: Keitha Bassett, Dany Pen, Calix Smith, Alexandra Mosher, Chris Mahoney, Summer Wood, Davika Hill, Manuel Palacio, Ami Zanders, Milton Hill, Tricia Abbott Walters, Lisa Woodley.

B.ermudian A.rtists R.ise U.p – FB Group


  • Fetishes explored in new exhibition – Nov 18,2011 Royal Gazette
  • Tamaraxo’s photos from the show (Tamara was Alexandra Mosher’s  model & muse for the show)

Filmed and produced by Bermuda’s own Lara D. Smith (Founder/ Creative Director of LDS Multimedia: A Bermuda based video production company) specializing in documentary, commercial, corporate, animation, voice over (or any specially requested video production)


Fetish Art Show – B.ermudian A.rtists R.ise U.p

Friday, November 18, 2011. 6-8pm @ Walker Arcade, Hamilton, Bermuda.

B.A.R.U (Bermudian Artists Rise Up) explore  the provocative and little known world of  Fetishes through the art exhibition “FETISH.”

Calix Smith and Ami Zanders talk about the FETISH Show (one of their many 2011 exhibits), B.A.R.U and their aims to keep local Bermudian artists in that zone of creation; keep them motivated; keep them questioning and keep them pushing the boundries of Bermuda Art and what it stands for.

“FETISH” Art Show, Bermuda – Luning & Balloon Fetishes, LA Prostitution Card Collage, “Fetish” under your feet, Octopus Bestiality, Feathers & Viagra, Birth, Sex & Fallopian tubes & much, much more …

Featured Artists: Keitha Bassett, Dany Pen, Calix Smith, Alexandra Mosher, Chris Mahoney, Summer Wood, Davika Hill, Manuel Palacio, Ami Zanders, Milton Hill, Tricia Abbott Walters, Lisa Woodley.

B.ermudian A.rtists R.ise U.p – FB Group


  • Fetishes explored in new exhibition – Nov 18,2011 Royal Gazette
  • Tamaraxo’s photos from the show (Tamara was Alexandra Mosher’s  model & muse for the show)

Filmed and produced by Bermuda’s own Lara D. Smith (Founder/ Creative Director of LDS Multimedia: A Bermuda based video production company) specializing in documentary, commercial, corporate, animation, voice over (or any specially requested video production)


Living Art Show – #Bermuda Art Centre @ Dockyard

The Bermuda Art Centre at Dockyard fundraiser “Living Art Show” will take place on March 10th, 2012 from 6.30 pm ’till midnight. 

On the venue is everything from tattoo & body art to extreme hair & nails, fashion & style, drama and even Bermuda’s own Capoeira Camara. Guests can meet the models, designers and artists who will mingle with the crowds, sharing the experience and inspiration of their work. 

Touch … See … Speak …

The first show of it’s kind in Bermuda. “It’s sexy, it’s fun and it’s never been done!”

Music from the Ultimate Chill Album, 2011.

tickets @ (Adults only) or @ the door, on the night.

Bermuda Art Centre at Dockyard Links 

Bermuda Capoeira Camara

Living Art Show - #Bermuda Art Centre @ Dockyard


Evanescence Buy:“Bring Me to Life” @ iTunes





John Lennon – Double Fantasy Bermuda Tribute

In October 1980 John emerged from retirement with the single “(Just Like) Starting Over“, followed the next month by the album Double Fantasy, which contained songs written during a journey to Bermuda on a 43-foot sailing boat the previous June, that reflected Lennon’s fulfillment in his new-found stable family life.
Sufficient additional material was recorded for a planned follow-up album Milk an Honey (released posthumously in 1984)

Tom Butterfield of Masterworks Museum has long wanted to have a John Lennon memorial at the Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art. Via Tony Brannon’s contact with Andy Newmark (a Bermudian drummer who played drums on Baily Outerbridge’s recent hit song “Circus“),  who was part of Lennon’s session band on the Double Fantasy record, Yoko Ono’s lawyer was approached  to ask for Yoko’s support of this tribute … read more




The Sharon Wilson Gold Collection

The Gold Collection is a collection of 13 pastel paintings. It was created in 2009. Each painting portrays a young boy. These are paintings of blue-collar Bermudian children between the ages of five and nine.

I have created these paintings to remind us why we must try harder to heal our families. We can and must do it. This is the message of the SHARON WILSON GOLD COLLECTION – Sharon Wilson

Sharon Wilson | | facebook

Graham Foster’s #Bermuda Hall of History Mural @TEDxBermuda @bermudasearch

Method in the madness – Painting 400 years of Bermudian history.

-TEDx Bermuda April 2011

Bermudian painter and sculptor Graham Foster shares the process and the insanity that comes from being given the commission of a lifetime …. 400 years of complicated history depicted in one mural …. but the mural is over 1000 square ft … on several walls and within a 200 year old military building!

“I will leave a piece of my sanity in this room”

– Graham Foster (2009)

Graham Foster


The Hall of History – Bermuda’s Story in Art – BermudaYP

Bermudian Artist Graham Foster introduces you to his 1000 square ft mural of Bermuda’s history at the Bermuda Maritime Museum in Dockyards, and talks about how the project started and about its long process to completion. – Bermuda’s local search engine – videos, local listings, maps & other helpful Bermuda information,

Sites of Interest