Political parody from the ever popular Bermemes regarding the PLP political broadcast ‘Both Ways OBA!’
Bermemes launches the new “political party” NPP! (The National Puppet party) … and like any good political party does not miss the chance to plug for their aceboy @exist270
Ay buh… We guys a tiyad uv de Bermewjin politikul pardees. Wuh starting our own. De pardees shoulda hired ya boy exist.multimedia as campaign manajah. Boasty. VOTE FA DE NPP IN 2012!
A recent comment on the Bermemes facebook page already sheds doubts on this new ‘political force’ that is taking the Bermuda Isles by storm.
I have issues with the National Puppet Party. Who’s got their hands in it? Who’s really pulling the strings and are they really speaking for themselves?” – Chris Gibbons
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